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你知道,那天我做了一次体检,我去了离这里只有两三分钟路程的医疗机构。250前年这里肯定是没有的,甚至100年前也是没有的。所以我们一直在进步。We haven‘t forgotten howto make progress in this country. And we haven’t lost interest in makingprogress. And that will benefit to varying degrees, all kinds of people equallyaround the world. But there will be interruptions. And I don‘t know when theywill occur, and I don’t know how deep they will occur. I do know they willoccur from time to time. And I also know all that we‘ll come out better on theother end.

WARREN BUFFETT:Sure.沃伦•巴菲特:好的。ANDY SERWER:Are you getting frustrated with Wells Fargo?安迪·塞尔沃:你对富国银行感到失望了吗?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I think they‘ve been through a lot ofproblems. But I don’t think that the fundamental franchise and all of that,I‘mfine with that. They-- I forget whether it’s in one out of every threehouseholds in the country,they are the mortgage servicer.That‘s huge. It went throughsomething that various other companies-- GEICO, in the early ’70s, got-- hadits troubles. American Express, in 1964 when we got into it, it had the saladoil scandal, which everybody‘s forgotten about. But it was a terrifying eventthen.



