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安迪·塞尔沃:在沙特和俄罗斯之间的战争,以及考虑到气候变化带来的长期需求下降,(石油公司)这真是一个投资的好地方吗?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I don‘t think the secular demand will changethat much. But, certainly, the immediate demand has changed. The airlines needless. And people drive less if they’re working out of their homes. And you canchange-- when you‘re talking aboutsomething close to 100 million barrels a day, if you change it by 5%,that is huge.

安迪·塞尔沃:我很高兴看到你坚持下来了,因为其他人很可能会气馁。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. But,all the other kids in the 7thgrade had their money in something else. [LAUGHS]

责任编辑:吴金明全球最大对冲基金桥水将实行合伙人制,创始人达利欧退居二线澎湃新闻记者 蒋梦莹 综合报道 来源:澎湃新闻据《纽约时报》报道,全球最大对冲基金桥水公司(Bridgewater Associates)为了实现公司转型,将在下个月实行合伙人制度(Partnership model)。

责任编辑:赵明来源:每日经济新闻每经记者 甄素静每经编辑 林菁晶进入5月以来,深圳楼市虽然实际成交量较4月略有下滑,但多名中介人士告诉记者,一些新开盘的项目能明显体验到“抢房”的氛围。此外,受此前新版征信五一后将上线传言、首套房贷利率普遍下调、粤港澳大湾区规划等影响,近期二手房成交量明显提升,单月一度接近8000套——这是业内划分的深圳楼市牛熊分界线。

WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I‘m drinking a little more Coca-Colaactually. Seems to have warded off everything else in life.I’m 89. I just hadtwo different doctors tell me how I‘m in much better shape than I was a fewyears ago. I’m not sure what I‘m doing to get better. But by accident, I had anannual heart check where I wear something around my waist for a couple days.The guy said it’s never been better. So I really, I‘m the probabilities guy inmy nature. So I, there’s going to be to 2.8 million deaths this year. At age89, I‘m a little more likely than I was in that group.

